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About Me


First and foremost I am a mother of my two beautiful girls.  I am also a Fitness Australia certifed Personal Trainer and Group Fitness Instructor and a Youth Engagement & Development worker, who enjoys spending quality time with my family, beach holidays, training, meditation, baking and creating new recipes.  My true passion is to help people realise their potential and achieve their health and fitness goals.

I developed a love of group fitness at an early age and in 2001 I became a qualified group fitness instructor, completing my first fitness program - Les Mills Bodypump training.  Since then I have become certified in - Les Mills Bodybalance, Les Mills RPM and also teach freestyle classes including Shape & Tone, TTT, Body & Mind Wellness, Seniors Strength and Kids Move classes.  

I feel so very fortunate to have received a very healthy, active upbringing growing up in a country town and spending the days playing outside with my sisters in amongst nature.  We grew a lot of our own food, ate a healthy balanced diet and spent weekends watching my parents playing sports (netball, football, tennis) which naturally lead to my own love and participation in sports from as long as I can remember.

I received my nutrition training from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, where I was trained in more than one hundred dietary theories and studied a variety of practical lifestyle coaching methods. Drawing on this knowledge, I will help you create a completely personalized “roadmap to health” that suits your unique body, lifestyle, preferences, and goals.



Everfit By Louise

Everfit By Louise came about in March 2013 when as a new mother, I was feeling extremely overwhelmed with my new sleeping patterns and lethargy. With no time to exercise, I came to realise that planning and organisation were going to be the most important keys to establishing a healthy routine in my new role as a Mum.  

I started to prepare my meals in advance (partly due to breastfeeding and being hungry ALL the time!) and really took notice of the foods that I was putting into my body because they were of course being passed on to my first born.  I was eating 3 healthy meals per day plus snacks.  I slowly began eliminating processed foods from my diet and incorporating smoothies and juices packed with loads of vegies and fruit.  

Apart from walking my daughter in her pram, I didn't exercise until she turned 6 months old. The changes in my body and my newfound energy inspired me to start up 'Everfit by Louise' with the mission to assist other women who struggle to find time in their busy lives, to plan out healthy meals and exercise.


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